Technical Notes -- #1 (tech_pc.txt v1.5) **************** Notes on running UCS software on a PC. ****************** UCS software runs in conjunction with a special operating environment provided by GRiD systems. To run this software, your machine must meet these basic requirements: - It must run MS DOS version 3.3 or later. - It must have a VGA monitor and a Microsoft compatible mouse. - It must have at least 1MB of expanded and 550K free conventional memory. The following instructions assume you are familiar with basic DOS commands such as dir, type, cd, etc., and that you have the file "config.sys" and the file "autoexec.bat" at the root of your boot drive. Also you must have a text editor available and be familiar with its operation. *QUICK TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART* ---------------------------- For additional detail refer to the section "DETAILED TROUBLE SHOOTING". SYMPTOM / PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION ----------------- -------------- -------- System "hangs". Not enough memory: Switch to a machine expanded. that already provides at least 1MB of expanded memory. - or - Modify the config.sys to load an expanded memory manager with at least 1MB of expanded memory. - or - Try running this software in a DOS shell from MS Windows. (This may work.) System "hangs". Not enough memory: Modify the config.sys conventional. to NOT load unneeded device drivers. If you're running DOS 5.0, load DOS high, and load your device drivers high. You see message Your machine does Switch to a machine "Cannot load APIs". not have a VGA that has a VGA color monitor. or VGA mono monitor. You see message Your machine does Switch to a machine "Cannot load APIs". not have a Microsoft with a Microsoft compatible mouse. compatible mouse. - or - Install a Microsoft compatible mouse on your machine. You see message A mouse driver has Modify the config.sys "Cannot load APIs". not been loaded. to load the mouse driver software that came with your mouse. System "hangs" or you see You are running an Switch to a machine message "Cannot load APIs". old version of running MS DOS MS DOS or you are version 3.3 or later. running DR DOS. *DETAILED TROUBLE SHOOTING* ------------------------- For complete details refer to your MS DOS user guide. 1 - Operating System. The GRiDPad operating environment (hereafter referred to as the APIs) will only run under MS DOS version 3.3 or later. DR DOS is not supported. If possible, you should run this software under MS DOS 5.0, as this version of DOS provides a more flexible memory configuration. 2 - Display system. The APIs require a VGA display - VGA color or VGA monochrome will work equally well. This software will not run with a CGA, EGA, MDA, or any other type of non-VGA display. 3 - Mouse. The APIs require a Microsoft compatible or Logitech mouse. The device driver (software) for your mouse must be present on your machine and loaded in your config.sys. The following must appear in config.sys: files=20 buffers=30 device=mouse.sys Where is the DOS path to your mouse driver. A typical path might be "c:\dos\". Note: If you are running MS DOS 5.0, you should load the mouse driver high - replace "device" with "deviceHigh". However, to do this you must first load an Upper Memory Server (see "Upper Memory" below). 4 - Memory. 4.1 - Examining your memory. To determine how much memory is available on your machine: If you are running MS DOS 5.0, type "mem /c". If you are running MS DOS pre-5.0, you must use a third-party program such as Norton System Information. If this does not report at least 1MB of available expanded memory and 550K of available conventional memory, you must re configure your system (see "Expanded Memory" and "Conventional Memory" below). In any event, when you attempt to run this software, you will get a series of messages from the APIs. If expanded memory is present on your machine you will get a message like "Loaded in EMS memory". If you do not get this message, you must re configure your system. The following is a sample of the messages you should see... GRiDPen API - Release: 3.0 - File date: 11-21-91 Copyright (C) 1988,1989,1990,1991 GRiD Systems Corporation WARNING: Library is not present at interrupt address 60H GRiDPen HWP API - Release: 3.0 - File date: 11-20-91 Copyright (C) 1988,1989,1990,1991 GRiD Systems Corporation WARNING: Library is not present at interrupt address 61H GRiDPen API - Release: 3.0 - File date: 11-21-91 Copyright (C) 1988,1989,1990,1991 GRiD Systems Corporation Look For Library successfully installed at interrupt address 60H This Line ==> Loaded in EMS memory GRiDPen HWP API - Release: 3.0 - File date: 11-20-91 Copyright (C) 1988,1989,1990,1991 GRiD Systems Corporation Library successfully installed at interrupt address 61H EMS memory use enabled 4.2 - Expanded Memory. This software will take advantage of about 350K of expanded memory. A lack of expanded memory is the most common cause of problems with running this software. Expanded memory is a complex subject involving both hardware and software. In general, you must refer to your MS DOS user guide and your computer user guide to determine how to make expanded memory available on your machine. However, in many cases, providing expanded memory is simple. You may try one of the following (if this does not work, you will have to rely on your manuals). If you are running MS DOS 5.0 on a 386 or 486 machine, the following must appear in config.sys: files=20 buffers=30 device=emm386.exe 1008 If you are running MS DOS pre-5.0 on a 386 or 486 machine, the following must appear in config.sys: files=20 buffers=30 device=emm386.sys 1008 Where is the DOS path to your expanded memory driver. A typical path might be "c:\dos\". If you are running on an 8086 or 80286 machine, you will most likely need an expanded memory board (hardware) installed in your machine. See your computer user guide for more information. If you are running Microsoft Windows 3.0 in enhanced mode, running a DOS shell can provide expanded memory if your PIF is configured properly. Refer to your Windows user guide for additional details. 4.3 - Conventional Memory. This software requires the maximum amount of conventional memory that you can make available. To maximize conventional memory, simply remove any unnecessary device drivers that are loaded in config.sys, or any unnecessary TSRs that are loaded in autoexec.bat. Network drivers will frequently consume substantial memory - this software will run better if you can remove the network device driver or TSR (of course, the network will no longer be available). 4.4 - Upper Memory. Another way to provide more conventional memory is to utilize the Upper Memory Blocks (UMBs). If you are running MS DOS 5.0, the following must appear in config.sys: files=20 buffers=30 device=himem.sys device=emm386.exe 1008 ram dos=high,umb deviceHigh=mouse.sys Where is the DOS path to the appropriate driver. A typical path might be "c:\dos\". Call Ted Pryor at UCS, Inc. (305)771-8116 if you have questions/problems.